10 Mar 2020


These structures are used to report information in a formal style or to report facts. Passive structures hide the source of the information. This is because it is obvious, the source is unimportant or is 'people in general', or the source is unknown.

Reporting verbs are verbs of saying or believing such as agree, announce, believe, claim, consider, expect, hope, know, report, say, suggest, think, understand, etc. And we can use their passive form for distancing in different ways. 

it + passive reporting verb + that-clause (it is said that...)
In this pattern, the generalised agent + active reporting verb is replaced with it + passive reporting verb:

Everybody knows that my grandfather likes red wine.
It is known that my grandfather likes red wine.

It is believed that the murderer is no longer in the country.
It has been announced that they are going to cancel the tour.
It has been suggested that the team can’t be trusted defensively.
It was thought the building could collapse.

subject + passive reporting verb + to-infinitive (someone is said to do)

In this pattern we start with the subject of the reported clause, which is followed by the passive reporting verb and the to-infinitive form of the verb in the reported clause:

Everybody knows that my grandfather likes red wine.
My grandfather is known to like red wine.

He is said to have the biggest private art collection in the country.
They were believed to be secretly in love.

We can also use this form to refer to the future.
She is expected to become a super star.

subject+passive reporting verb+to be+-ing(continuous infinitive) (Someone is said to be doing)

When the reported action is in progress simultaneously to the reporting, we can also use subject + passive reporting verb + to be + -ing (continuous infinitive) with dynamic verbs.

They are thought to be living under strict protection.

subject+passive reporting verb+to have+past participle (perfect infinitive) 
Someone is said to have done

When the reported action is previous to the reporting (earlier in the past), we use subject + passive reporting verb + to have + past participle (perfect infinitive).

She was thought to have left the previous week. (=she left before people thought about it)
He is claimed to have hit another student. (=he hit another student first)

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